Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Sugar

So I am now 28 weeks pregnant and I have been a confirmed prego diabetic for about 3 weeks now. Recently I have had to go on insulin, awesome. Luckily it is only a small amount and only at night that I need to take it. But I have a feeling that it will increase the fatter I get with baby.
It stinks when you are pregnant because even though you have control, you don't have total control. I cannot regulate the hormones going on therefore I have to go on insulin even though I am following the diet and exercise. Luckily, it goes away, so I have been told.
Still, it pisses me off. I know it is irritating to the other half as well since he was born super healthy and I think he feels I am pushing a diet onto him. I'm not, I just let him know certain things that I know cannot be in the house since I will eat it. But he has been great in the pregnancy so far. He has helped a lot since I may not always feel the greatest. We will see how the following few weeks go...

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