Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is it chocolate or is it poop?

Now I am attempting only one blog a day, but I had to share this jewel of a story. It has been yet another busy day for the Codd boys and mom. First school, then baking some cupcakes, then off to the gym to play and walking home, then the dinner adventure (the house was clean, until I had to make dinner and I came out of the kitchen and poof, in 20min it was trashed).
But this gem comes from bedtime. Marshall finished bathing them and got them in their bedroom (they share a room). He found a cup, Marek's of course, and gave it to me and we were looking at this strange mass that was stuck on the cup. It appeared to be part of a white chocolate chip cranberry cookie I made the night before but upon closer inspection (including the hubby sniff test) it was indeed poop. Of course I thought of the movie baby momma with the classic line that is the title, but we actual argued whether it was cookie or poop for about 5 min. Meanwhile Odin is laughing because we are saying poop. I started laughing and it became a very fun moment. Marshall then searched for other signs of poop but none were to be found. Hopefully there isn't any...

I have often wondered if people have kids like mine and feel this exhausted at the end of the day, but I realize at the end of the day when I have had 45 min to myself that my kids will love all this and I will probably block a lot of the tiredness and muscle fatigue out.

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