Monday, January 11, 2010

Another ER trip....not for me

So this particular blog is about how my second child is the stereo-typical toddler. He has thus far in his life caused us to call Poison control twice in one day ( I had NEVER called with the first), has gotten a stool and gotten a kitchen knife on his own, has thrown multiple things in the toilet to include a whole roll of toilet paper.
Well now added to the list is an ER trip because he shoved something up his nose. I am so happy I have two boys...and thankful that this last one that I am carrying is a girl (by the way!)
I have always heard these stories but they seemed more like old wives tales. But now between the two of them, I am a seasoned pro. My older one had a broken leg at 14 months and also had to have tonsils removed at 3. The younger one as I said is the terrible twos if I have ever seen it.
All is well, he must have swallowed it by the time we got to the doc. He had a camera shoved up into his nose and down his throat to check. I have to watch for a fever in case it is actually in his sinuses, but otherwise, all is good. I hope I don't go into labor tonight....

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