Monday, January 11, 2010

Another ER trip....not for me

So this particular blog is about how my second child is the stereo-typical toddler. He has thus far in his life caused us to call Poison control twice in one day ( I had NEVER called with the first), has gotten a stool and gotten a kitchen knife on his own, has thrown multiple things in the toilet to include a whole roll of toilet paper.
Well now added to the list is an ER trip because he shoved something up his nose. I am so happy I have two boys...and thankful that this last one that I am carrying is a girl (by the way!)
I have always heard these stories but they seemed more like old wives tales. But now between the two of them, I am a seasoned pro. My older one had a broken leg at 14 months and also had to have tonsils removed at 3. The younger one as I said is the terrible twos if I have ever seen it.
All is well, he must have swallowed it by the time we got to the doc. He had a camera shoved up into his nose and down his throat to check. I have to watch for a fever in case it is actually in his sinuses, but otherwise, all is good. I hope I don't go into labor tonight....

Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas pics

Holy cow! Is that a real light saber or a slow shutter speed?

Finally I am getting these up! So Odin got a star wars lego video game, a magic school bus DVD, a Monsters v Aliens DVD, and a sleeping bag. Santa brought him a new razor scooter. Marek got a sleeping bag, a Mr Potato Head and a light saber so he doesn't steal his brothers. He got a Razor Jr from Santa. Marshall got a watch from me (we agreed nothing, but I knew he needed one bad and it was on sale!)

I got these cute ceramic houses from the Christmas markets here. You can put a candle or incense in them. The incense smoke out and it looks like a rolling fog from underneath! They are all replicas of famous buildings in Germany.

It also snowed again! We went out of course and made snowballs and Marshall had to run around with the sled. Then Odin started to play with the gang of kids in the bball court in a fort building snow ball fight. It was so cute. Marshall stayed out and I brought Marek in and Marshall told me he had to attack all the kids. Of course, he is still a kid! I was not surprised!

Pregnancy is going well. I just need to make it to 36 weeks and I can deliver at the hospital near by. So 2 more to go to make it to a safer zone! Trying to take it easy, but I am nesting and poor Marshall has to deal with that.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My first knit neckwarmer!

So I got my alpaca/merino yarn in the mail and immediately started working on this neckwarmer that I found online at:
Of course I am still a beginner and have no idea how to crochet, and didn't have anyone to ask at the time so I just put buttons on and put into a couple holes I accidentally made. It has a few mistakes, but i have to say I love it. It is super warm and feels soft and I feel accomplished for finishing it. Plus I learned a new stitch, the Brioche stitch which is a new favorite!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Ich habe Deutch im Krankanenhaus gelearnt

Translation: I learned German in the hospital (although spelling may be off)
So we had a great Christmas and the boys loved their gifts. We went to a fun holiday party on the 25th. That evening at about 11pm when we left I started feeling funny.
At 2am onthe 26th I decided that I needed to go to the hospital because I was feeling actual contractions. I was glad to have had 2 kids by then since well, I knew this was real labor, luckily it was still really early, but hey I was only 33 weeks.
And due to the situation here, it was best for me to go myself and if it was serious, call the hubby who would then try and find someone to watch the kiddos. Well turns out it was labor so they ambulanced me to the hospital in town with a neo natal unit and I got all kinds of meds. I was on the anti-contraction stuff for a whole day and a heart pill since it makes your pulse go fast (160). Then I was getting the shots of cortazone for the baby's lungs, just in case. Then I got the shot to prevent thrombosis since I was laid up.
I was thankful for the German I took in high school since it was needed now. The nurses were so happy that I understood most of what they were saying and could speak enough to get the point across.
I ended up being in the hospital for 4 days, it would have been more, but I said I wanted to go home. I wasn't having any more contractions and they were pretty sure it was due to some kind of infection (I was getting 3 doses of IV antibiotics a day!)
So no tax deduction for us, thank goodness and I have to hang on for at least 3 more weeks, I will be 37 by then and considered term.

All is going well and the house is trashed since I have to take it easy, but my wonderful hubby is playing with the kids a lot and making dinner and picking up, I am just nesting now (since we don't have a carseat yet, I now feel like I need to be ready!!) and poor husband has to deal with that!
Will update soon and put more pictures on!