Thursday, December 17, 2009


So I had to post this up.
First the disclaimer: We do not have any idea where my son got this idea. It is not in any shows that he watches, etc.
My almost 5 year old decides to take a red marker and color all over his hand and fingers. He then goes into the kitchen where my husband is and starts to hold his hand and say, " Daddy! Look at my hand! Ow!!"
My husband has the normal reaction any parent would seeing a red hand, he started freaking out.
My son then starts laughing and says it's okay, it's just marker.
So my question is, when do children learn to be pranksters.. I remember doing such things as a kid but it facinates me when a child can figure it out themselves.
That was a good chuckle..

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Set-up

So it is that time of year for the Christmas and bday season in our household. We have finally set up the decor and are having a party tomorrow for the one turning 2!! Funny how having a second boy turning two makes me wonder what the heck to get him since he gets everything of his brothers anyway! But he did not have a tricycle, so we will see how that goes over. The big one is thinking he will get presents and saw Santa today and even mailed a letter to him! Hopefully he doesn't think Christmas is everyday!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Please sir, can I have some more

I forgot to add this..
So the boys are learning the bedtime routine, and the 2 year old seems to actually understand he can't leave the room. We know this because typically, the older one will stay in bed, and the younger one will come out or open the door and it is the struggle of bedtime.
Well he now knows he can't leave and proved this by standing in the doorway with his cup and proceeded to reach out as far as he could without actually leaving and straining to say "cuuuppp plleeeeeaasee." He looked like a poor prisnor asking for some more. But as soon as I filled it up, he ran off into his bed.
Very cute...